Submissions / Freelancing

One of the most common questions we get is the availability of freelance work (writing, art or graphic design all fall here).

Gallant Knight Games makes working with talented people a high priority, and we try to pay fairly at that regard. We often host Open Calls where any aspiring writer can apply, and we do our best to create a friendly, diverse, and healthy working environment inside the RPG industry.

At this time, Gallant Knight Games is not taking submissions for any upcoming projects or writing, but as we do open those up, they will be put here. However, we know sometimes you want to leave your information, so we can contact you later.  If you do want to submit and be considered when we do host Open Calls or are looking for freelancers, email submissions at this websites’s domain.

Note that we aren’t promising we’ll contact you, but you’re giving us the ability and opportunity if we need or want to!

If you do have questions or want information, you can contact us via the form to the right.

Important Legal Stuff: If you submit unsolicited work, we do immediately delete it. Unsolicited work leads to weird and bad legal and ethical issues. We don’t want to get in trouble and we don’t want to have to get you in trouble. We want to work with you, just wait til we’re ready!