Tiny Tuesday – [February 8th, 2022]

A week off!

[Tiny Tuesday – Feb 8th, 2022]

Happy February!

Last weeks Tiny Tuesday update was delayed and eventually we just decided to roll the update into this week!

The last vestiges of the 2021 backlog are clearing up, and we’re moving forward into 2022 and we’re excited! We’re going to be launching a new GallantFunding very soon (possibly two), and we’re looking forward to sharing more upcoming games with you!

This week, Lighthearted is out and winging it’s way to retail (it should be in stores this month, as it’s already at the distributor!)

As a reminder: moving forward, we’ll be sending our emails twice a month (on the second Wednesday and fourth Wednesday of the month). This is a change made due to feedback we received. We appreciate everyone who has passed feedback along as we work to reset how we communicate with folks!

And as always, you can visit the Gallant Knight Games Patreon to get access to the weekly playtest and development rules, the monthly TinyZine and loads of free goodies!

Lighthearted is out in the GKG webstore and on DriveThruRPG!

Our GallantVerse Origins actual play is back from holiday hiatus, and will return continue on Thursday, January 27th, at 8:30 PM CST on our Twitch and YouTube channels (you can click on the icons below to find those channels)!

Our friends at Fat Goblin Games are running a discounted bundle of their 80s-school inspired Stranger Stuff TinyD6 games! It’s a great chance to get print copies the TinyD6 game that evokes the feelings of Stranger Things, Ghostbusters, and more!

DriveThruRPG Link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/384888/Stranger-Stuff-Printed-Collection-BUNDLE

You can see our excellent licensees on DriveThruRPG!







as well as our translation partners:



 *Please note our “In Development” is subject to NDA, licenses and we can’t always talk about everything we’re working on

A note on how this is presented: the white headers with black text are designed to be overarching categories, and the black header with white text are designed to be sub categories inside the larger ones! Red text indicates a product/project status has changed or been updated as of this week!

This represents the initial stage of development where we write the first draft

Tiny Dungeon Campaign Guide

A supplement for Tiny Dungeon 2e, this book features an expanded bestiary, tips and tools for creating campaigns and modifying Tiny Dungeon 2e to suit your tables needs.

Trails of the Beastkin (WIP title)

Trails of the Beastkin is a campaign world (akin to Fenmire) for Tiny Dungeon 2e. A setting where you can’t play humans, you are the eldritch children of evil gods who created you through dark magicks. But you have rebelled and freed yourself from evil! Since the world you spent eons waging war on has yet to accept your change of heart, you must flee, searching for a home to call your own.

Ion Guard

A TinyD6 edition of the cosmic superhero setting formerly published by Radioactive Ape Designs, Ion Guard will be revisited with new art by Nicolas Giacondino, as well as TinyD6 rules to power it going forward!

This stage represents playtesting, feedback from alpha reviewers and patrons, and revisions to the text

Atomic Highway 2e/V6 2e

Atomic Highway 2e and the next iteration of the V6 system is currently in development and playtesting

This is the last step before the text is locked for layout

Carrion Lands – the final edit and review is being prepped for Carrion Lands to land on GallantFunding later in 2022!
H.O.M.E. Handbook – our teen GallantVerse book is in editing.

This step often happens concurrently with the previous three steps and is relatively independent and so projects here might show up twice on the update list

Swordpoint Deluxe Core Rulebook – Only 5 pieces are now outstanding before we can move this to layout. Roughs are backed and approved. Next steps are finished pieces!
Tiny Dungeon Campaign Guide – almost all finished.
Atomic Highway 2e – in progress
TinyZine Compendium 2021 – cover art in progress! Once this is done, we’re onto layout.
Tiny Cavemen -in progress!

This step is the final step before we prep for release/funding. We try to do this step before we go to funding, though it’s not always viable [especially with larger projects].

Mecha & Monsters: Evolved – in layout!

Things That Go Squeak in the Night has nearly finished layout! Alpha copies are out to backers.

Zurich Rendezvous (Tiny Spies Adventure) – Layout ready!

Swordpoint Deluxe Core Rulebook – The new adventures and mechanics are being playtested!

These are projects that are either currently funding in GallantFunding or on other platforms. Please click on the project for links.

War of the Magi has finished funding. Thanks to everyone who supported, helped and talked about it!

Blood & Blade – Test prints are ordered and this game is getting set up for GallantFunding! We’re going to be trying a new format of GallantFunding for this one, so we’ll see how it goes!

These projects are the printer! They might be marked proofing, which means we’re awaiting proofs to ensure the print run is up to standards.

Yukon Dark, Tiny Spies, Teeming Shore I, Teeming Shore II and Night of the Living Bread are going out to Patreon backers this week!

Tiny Spies is going out to Patreon backers this week and will go out for sale next week!

All of these are smaller zine sized releases and will be in the GKG webstore at shop.gallantknightgames.com, with Patreon backers getting copies of several of them already!

These projects are currently being fulfilled.

Lighthearted (Partner Game): US orders are currently fulfilling, as well as international via DTRPG. We’re 99% done, just handling a few stragglers, issue and more.